Sweet Drinks, Desserts and Dreams

Hartstone Inn Sweet Tooth Night Cap We can’t think of a better way for our guests to end their day than next to a warm fire, enjoying a cordial and a delicious dessert.  That’s how everyday ends here at the Hartstone Inn as we offer our Sweet Tooth Night Cap from 9pm-10pm in our parlor.  Special martini’s are served along with $5 cordials.  Each drink comes with the Chef’s dessert bite of the day.  Tonight’s delectable was a blonde brownie topped with homemade pumpkin ice cream and drizzled with salted caramel. If this doesn’t guarantee sweet dreams, nothing will!

Cordials and Cock
tail $5 – Bailey’s, Limoncello, Frangelico, Amaretto, Sambuca, Grand Marnier & Kahlua

Dessert Martini’s $8.50 – Chocolate Martini, Vanilla Bean Martini, Espresso Martini


Looking for a hot drink?  We also offer a French Vanilla Kahlua Cappuccino and a currently a Pumpkin Spice            Liqueur Latte as well!

Check out our latest Spring Special Offers!